DB BR 01 Steam Locomotive 2-3-1
In the period of twelve years, between 1925 and 1937, a total of 231 2-3-1 locomotives were built by different companies for the then Deutsche Reichsbahn. All of these locomotives based on single basic design, although slightly different in some non-essential details, they all fell under the Baureihe (class) 01 denomination. The locomotives were designed taking into account the particular tasks that they would be required to fulfill, which were passenger specifically service on direct and heavy long distance routes on the flat routes. With the arrival already of the first units it was apparent that the expectations of the basic project showed very good haulage capabilities in every respect. Over the years the locomotives underwent substantial changes that only partially affected their appearance.
The aesthetic examination of two prototypes reproduced: in the case of 01-141 large smoke deflectors covering the pumps and next to the boiler. The second prototype 01-196 mounted deflectors of the more modern style, smaller, and the pumps have a more central positioning. The connecting rods and piping in their various different and complex positioning are in their logical position.
Coupled to these locomotives there were different types of tenders, including in last order of date, the 2'2 T34 with welded side plates. The maximum speed reached for these locomotives was130 km/h.
Br 01 141
Steam locomotive with tender, for passenger trains BR 01-141 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn.
The model offers whilst still with same running number large smoke deflectors. Fully functional gearing, and mounts the “Heusingen” distribution system. The headlights on both Locomotive and tender are fully functioning and switch depending on direction of travel.
Lunghezza del modello cm. 28,5.
Br 01 196
Locomotiva a vapore, con tender, per treni viaggiatori serie BR 01-196 delle «Deutsche Bundeshahn>. Come il prototipo di numero corrispondente, il modello dispone di deflettori di fumo di tipo moderno. Biellismo con distribuzione sistema,< Heusinger» interamente funzionante.
I fanali della motrice e quelli del tender si illuminano automaticamente secondo il senso di marcia prescelto.
Lunghezza del modello cm. 28,5.
Prodotte da Rivarossi nel 1980
Realizzata sia per corrente continua che alternata.
codice | anno | descrizione |
1349 | 1980 | Locomotiva a vapore 2-3-1 Br 01 141 DB |
1002 | 1980 | Locomotiva a vapore 2-3-1 Br 01 141 DB per funzionamento in corrente alternata |
1351 | 1980 | Locomotiva a vapore 2-3-1 Br 01 196 DB |
1003 | 1980 | Locomotiva a vapore 2-3-1 Br 01 196 DB per funzionamento in corrente alternata |
Nel catalogo 1964/65 compare una Br01 001 nella serie TrenHobby, made by Trix after the trade agreement of 1961, it was with metal body and Trix engine sold separately (art. 6311), Rivarossi added the wheels for two rails operation. Proposta fino al 1966/67.
Presentata solo nella serie Trenhobby
codice | anno | descrizione |
11335 | 1964 | Locomotiva a vapore 2-3-1 Br 01 DB |
6311 | 1964 | Kit per la motorizzazione |